After our 15-year-old daughter, Hope Elizabeth, was killed in a car accident on January 15, 2020, several things began to take root in our hearts that rose in importance as we lived through the intense grief of losing such a precious part of our family.

First, God had started to stir our hearts toward a more missional or missionary-style of ministry that would focus on discipleship at its core. Our hearts’ desire is to see those around us become aware of and grow in Jesus’ irresistible character of love, hope, and grace.

Second, as we journeyed in our grief, we realized that emotional health is an incredibly important and essential piece to companion spiritual health for all of us. It is key to life-giving relationships, flourishing marriages, healthy families, growing churches, and health in many other contexts.

Third, our grief became a catalyst for understanding more about grief and how to help others in grief. We had already lost three babies to miscarriage and several close family members before Hope’s death, and so we weren’t completely new to grief. However, our experience with Hope’s death led us on an even more in-depth journey to discover all that we could about grief. We are certified grief educators, and our passion is to walk beside others who are grieving.

What about you? How can we help you? Please check out our “More Info” tab to see more information about where you might want to plug in. Also keep checking back as we add relevant content to Charla’s blog and Nick’s vlog.

Our prayer for ourselves and for all of you is this: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Just as the dragonfly symbolizes hope, we pray that Irresistible Hope will also be a place you can find hope in your relationship with God, in all your other relationships, and even through your grief.

We look forward to hearing from you!


"A Certified Grief Educator is committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief.

Certified Grief Educators completed a certificate program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. They bring his unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief."

We offer peer to peer grief support, meaning we are grievers who have the desire to help others who are grieving. Need support? Please don't hesitate to contact us.